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2022-08-23 17:58:39 星下点(星下点)
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2020-03-29 11:08:36 Linkin-park(Linkin-park)
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2019-06-10 14:47:06 warriorVIP(warriorVIP)
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2018-04-18 09:00:54 冰心玉龍(冰心玉龍)
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2018-03-29 21:41:55 leichy(lcy_ouc)
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2016-09-06 09:10:40 臭石头雪球(fcode)
莫名其妙 于 2016-08-28 22:33:14发布
各路大神,为什么我在生成解决方案时总是出现下列错误? This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure.   [FAJ]
1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(91): error #6158: The structure-name is invalid or is missing.   [SVR]
1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(91): error #6678: When the target is an expression it must deliver a pointer result.   [SVR]
1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(92): error #6460: This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure.   [FBJ]
1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(92): error #6678: When the target is an expression it must deliver a pointer result.   [SVR]
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2016-08-28 22:33:14 莫名其妙(莫名其妙)
各路大神,为什么我在生成解决方案时总是出现下列错误? This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure. [FAJ] 1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(91): error #6158: The structure-name is invalid or is missing. [SVR] 1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(91): error #6678: When the target is an expression it must deliver a pointer result. [SVR] 1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(92): error #6460: This is not a field name that is defined in the encompassing structure. [FBJ] 1>F:\\SCIATRAN\\SCIATRANCODE\\Execute-3.3.2\\Console1\\Console1\\st_up_vrs.f(92): error #6678: When the target is an expression it must deliver a pointer result. [SVR]
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2015-08-12 09:33:46 tyli_09(tyli_09)
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2015-04-28 11:36:10 羽岚月树(moontree)
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2015-01-01 16:21:53 Wizard(xiaokui88)
写得很好 受益良多
回复 支持6