! Demonstration Programs of LLU (Low Level Utilities) of NCARG    2018
! Example/Test/Tutorial programs in directories "lib\ncarg\examples",
! "lib\ncarg\tests", and "lib\ncarg\tutorial" below the directory of
! download NCL precompiled binary dataset
! NGWK - Graphics Outputs, Console Keyboard/Screen, and System Utilities
!        pgkex19   , pgkex20   , pgkex21   , pgkex22   , ngwk_postscript
!        cng-window, cng-wingif, cng-system, cng-conkey, cng-conscn,
!        cng-dgtscn, cng-pixgif, cng-pixmov, cng-movgif, cng-movpix,
!        cng-gifpix_dipole, cng-gifpix_gouy, cng-gifpix_lw
! NGSP - SPPS, An NCAR System Plot Package Simulator
!        coex01    , coex02    , f coex03  , fcce01    , fcce02    ,
!        fcell     , fcell0    , f fcoord  , fcoord1   , fcoord2   ,
!        fdlcurvd  , fdldashc  , fgkgpl    , fgkgpm    , fgkgtx    ,
!        fgklnclr  , fgklnwth  , fgpm01    , fngwsym   , fspcurve  ,
!        fspline   , fspponts  , miex01    , pgkex01   , pgkex02   ,
!        pgkex03   , pgkex04   , pgkex05   , pgkex06   , pgkex07   ,
!        pgkex08   , pgkex09   , pgkex10   , pgkex11   , pgkex12   ,
!        pgkex13   , pgkex14   , pgkex15   , pgkex16   , pgkex17   ,
!        pgkex18   , pgkex23   , tcolcv    , tdashc    , tdashl    ,
!        tdashp    , tdashs    , cng-symb  , cng-grid  , cng-shade ,
!        cng-arohd , cng-poly  , cng-elips , cng-circl , cng-bar   ,
!        cng-vga16 , cng_clip  , cng-marker, cng-dash  , cng-labc  ,
!        cng-table , cng-gfarose,       cng-namedcolors, cng-ColorMap2
!        cng-d2t   , cng-d3t   , cng-pgplot_17         , cng-grwin_dp
! NGPC - Plotchar, A Character-Plotting Package
!        cpex10    , epltch    , fpcfonts  , fpchiqu   , fpcloqu   ,
!        tpltch    , cng-fontcap, cng-hershey
! NGDP - Dashpack, A Software Package for Drawing Dashed Lines
!        agdp01    , fdldashd  , tdshpk
! NGGA - Gridal, A Package to Draw Backgrounds for X/Y Plots
!        class2    , tgrida    , cng-gridal
! NGSF - Softfill, A Software Fill Package
!        class1    , fsfsgfa   , fsfwrld   , sfex01    , sfex02    ,
!        tsoftf    , cng-hatch , cng-nclfill
! NGPP - Polypack, A Package of Routines to Manipulate Polygons
!        ppex01    , tppack    , cng-ppcurv
! NGLB - Labelbar, A Package of Routines to Draw Labelled Bars
!        clbbar    , clbfil    , clblbr    , elblba    , tlblba    ,
!        cng-nclfillbar
! NGAR - Areas, A Package that Solves Certain Practical Problems
!        in Topology
!        arex01    , arex03    , cardb1    , cardb2    , caredg    ,
!        carfill   , carline   , carmap    , colcon    , fcirc     ,
!        fsppoint  , tareas
! NGER - Seter, A Centralized Error-Handling Package
!        arex02    , tseter
! NGHG - Histogram, A Bar Charts Plotting Utility
!        thstgr    , thstmv
! NGAG - Autograph, A Package of Routines to Draw X/Y Plots
!        agdp01    , agex01    , agex02    , agex03    , agex04    ,
!        agex05    , agex06    , agex07    , agex08    , agex09    ,
!        agex10    , agex11    , agex12    , agex13    , class3    ,
!        example   , fagaxclr  , fagaxlbl  , fagaxmax  , fagcuclr  ,
!        fagcudsh  , fagezmxy  , fagezmy   , fagezxy   , fagezy    ,
!        fagilclr  , fagovrvw  , tagupw    , tautog    , pgkex24   ,
!        pgkex25   , splogy    , sprevx    , cng-kghxy , cng-xyback,
!        cng-fillcurve, cng-epitrochoid
! NGTD - Tdpack, A Three-Dimensional Plotting Utility
!        tdex01    , tdex02    , tdex03    , tdex04    , tdex05    ,
!        tdex06    , tdex07    , tdex08    , TdpackDemo
! NG3D - Threed, Drawing 3-D objects, Surfaces and Isosurfaces
!        fisissrf  , fispwrzi  , fsrezsrf  , fsrpwrzs  , fsrsrfac  ,
!        fthex01   , fthex02   , fthex03   , fthex04   , fthex05   ,
!        srex01    , tisosr    , tpwrzi    , tpwrzs    , tpwrzt    ,
!        tsrfac    , tthree    , cng-isosrf, cng-ezsrfc, cng-pgex07,
!        cng-pgex08
! NGCP - Conpack, A Contouring Package
!        cbex01    , ccpback   , ccpcff    , ccpcfx    , ccpcica   ,
!        ccpcir    , ccpcis    , ccpcit    , ccpclc    , ccpcld    ,
!        ccpcldm   , ccpcldr   , ccpcll    , ccpclu    , ccpcnrc   ,
!        ccpdflt   , ccpezct   , ccpfil    , ccpga     , ccphand   ,
!        ccphcf    , ccphl     , ccphlt    , ccpila    , ccpils    ,
!        ccpilt    , ccpklb    , ccplbam   , ccplbdr   , ccpline   ,
!        ccpllb    , ccpllc    , ccplll    , ccpllo    , ccpllp    ,
!        ccpllt    , ccpllw    , ccpmap    , ccpmovi   , ccpmpxy   ,
!        ccpncls   , ccpnet    , ccpnof    , ccpnsd    , ccppc     ,
!        ccppc1    , ccppc2    , ccppc3    , ccppc4    , ccppkcl   ,
!        ccppole   , ccprc     , ccprect   , ccprwc    , ccprwu    ,
!        ccpscam   , ccpset    , ccpsps1   , ccpsps2   , ccpspv    ,
!        ccpt2d    , ccptitle  , ccpvp     , ccpvs     , cidsfft   ,
!        cpex01    , cpex02    , cpex03    , cpex04    , cpex05    ,
!        cpex06    , cpex07    , cpex08    , cpex09    , cpex10    ,
!        cpex11    , cpex12    , cpex13    , cpex14    , cpex15    ,
!        cpex16    , tconpa    , ggdini    , cng_contour
! NGMP - Ezmap, A Map-Drawing Package
!        cezmap1   , cezmap2   , cezmap3   , cmpclr    , cmpdd     ,
!        cmpdrw    , cmpel     , cmpfil    , cmpgci    , cmpgrd    ,
!        cmpgrp    , cmpita    , cmpitm    , cmplab    , cmplbl    ,
!        cmplot    , cmpmsk    , cmpou     , cmppos    , cmpsat    ,
!        cmpsup    , cmptit    , cmptra    , cmpusr    , eezmpa    ,
!        mpex01    , mpex02    , mpex03    , mpex04    , mpex05    ,
!        mpex06    , mpex07    , mpex08    , mpex09    , mpex10    ,
!        mpex11    , mpex12    , mpex13    , mpex14    , mpexcc    ,
!        mpexfi    , tezmap    , tezmpa    , tezmpb    , fngngdts  ,
!        ncargworld  , EzmapDemo  , cng_projection
! NGCT - Conpackt  , A Contouring Package for Triangular Meshes
!        ctcbay    , ctex01    , ctex02    , ctfite    , ctgaus    ,
!        ctgc23    , ctgeo1    , ctgeo2    , ctgeo3    , ctisc2    ,
!        ctiscp    , ctllg1    , ctllg2    , ctllg3    , ctnccl    ,
!        ctorca    , ctpopg    , ctswth    , cttd01    , cttd02    ,
!        ctterr    , ctwng1    , ctwng2    , ggdini
! NGVV - Vectors, A Vector Field Plotting Utility
!        fcover    , ffex02    , ffex05    , tvelvc    , vvex01    ,
!        vvex02    , vvex03
! NGST - Streamlines, A Field Flow Visualization Utility
!        ffex00    , ffex01    , ffex03    , ffex04    , fstream   ,
!        stex01    , stex02    , stex03    , tstrml    ,
!        cng_stline, cng_vortex
! NGVT - Vaspackt, A Vector and Streamline Package for Triangular
!        Meshes
!        vtex01    , vtex02    , vtex03
! NGWM - Wmap, A Package for Producing Daily Weather Maps and
!        Plotting Station Model Data
!        wmex01    , wmex02    , wmex03    , wmex04    , wmex05    ,
!        wmex06    , wmex07    , wmex08    , wmex09    , wmex10    ,
!        wmex11    , wmex12    , wmex13    , wmex14    , wmex15    ,
!        wmex16    , wmex17
! NGMA - Ngmath, A library contains a collection of interpolators
!        and approximators for 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional data.
!  [nat] nnex01    , nnex02    , nnex03    , nnex04    , nnex05    ,
!        nnex06    , nnex07    , nnex08    , nnex09    ,
!        nnex10    , nnplotf   , nndisp
!  [ds3] dsex01    , dsex02    , dsex03    , dsex04    , dsex05    ,
!        dsex06
!  [fit] ftex01    , ftex02    , ftex03    , ftex04    , ftex05    ,
!        ftex06    , ftex07
!  [csa] csex01    , csex02    , csex03    , csex04    , csex05    ,
!        csex06    , csex07
!  [css] cssex01   , cssex02   , cssex03
!  [sh3] shex01    , shex02    , shex03
! NGCM - Colormap, NCL Color Table Gallery
!        ColorMap1                      ColorMapA -> ngvv_vvex01
!        ColorMap2                      ColorMapB -> ngar_colcon
!        ColorMap3 -> ngcp_cpex07       ColorMapC -> ngct_ctcbay
!        ColorMap4 -> ngcp_cpex01       ColorMapD -> ngct_ctnccl
!        ColorMap5 -> ngcp_cpex08       ColorMapE -> ngct_cttd01
!        ColorMap6 -> ngcp_cpex15       ColorMapF -> ngct_cttd02
!        ColorMap7 -> ngcp_cpex03       ColorMapG -> ngcp_cpex14
!        ColorMap8 -> ngcp_ccppole      ColorMapH -> ngct_ctterr
!        ColorMap9 -> ngst_ffex03       ColorMapI -> ngct_ctex02
! NGSG - SPHEREPACK 3.2, A Package for Modeling Geophysical Processes
!        https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/resources/legacy/spherepack
!        advec     , helmsph   , shallow   , tdiv      , tgaqd     ,
!        tgrad     , tidvt     , tsha      , tshpe     , tshpg     ,
!        tslap     , tvha      , tvlap     , tvrt      , tvts      ,
!        tvtsgs    , trssph    , trvsph    , tsshifte  , tvshifte
! NGRB - NCEP decoding and encoding GRIB1/2 data
!        http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/
!        cnvgrib   , degrib2   , readgrib2 , readwriteg2
! NCARG Examples Website: http://ngwww.ucar.edu/examples.html