! NGMA: Ngmath Library, A Collection of Interpolators and Approximators
! The ngmath library is a collection of mathematical procedures.
! As of July, 1999 the ngmath library contains a collection of
! interpolators and approximators for 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d data.
! The packages are:
! [A] natgrid - a 2-d random data interpolation package based on
!               Dave Watson's package nngridr.
! [B]  dsgrid - a 3-d random data interpolator based on a simple
!               inverse distance weighting algorithm.
! [C] fitgrid - an interpolation package for 1-d and 2-d gridded data
!               based on Alan Cline's package Fitpack
! [D] csagrid - an approximation package for 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d random
!               data based on David Fulker's package Splpack.
! [E] cssgrid - an interpolation package for random data on the
!               surface of a sphere.
! [F]  shgrid - an interpolation package for random data in 3-space.
! [A] NatGrid: an interpolation package for 2-D random data
! NG_NATGRIDS     - primary function for gridding.
! NG_NNSETI       - set INTEGER parameter values.
! NG_NNGETI       - retrieve values for INTEGER parameters.
! NG_NNSETR       - set REAL parameter values.
! NG_NNGETR       - retrieve values for REAL parameters.
! NG_NNSETC       - set CHARACTER valued parameters.
! NG_NNGETC       - retrieve values for CHARACTER parameters.
! NG_NNGETASPECTS - get aspect values, if calculated.
! NG_NNGETSLOPES  - get slope values, if calculated.
! NG_NNPNTINITS   - initiate single point mode.
! NG_NNPNTS       - interpolate at a single point.
! NG_NNPNTEND     - terminate single point mode.
! NG_NNGETWTS     - get neighbors and weights.
! NG_NATDISP      - a tool for displaying NatGrid algorithm
! [B] DsGrid: an interpolation package for 3-D random data
! NG_DSGRID2S - primary function for gridding 2D data.
! NG_DSGRID3S - primary function for gridding 3D data.
! NG_NNSETI   - set INTEGER parameter values.
! NG_NNGETI   - retrieve values for INTEGER parameters.
! NG_NNSETR   - set REAL parameter values.
! NG_NNGETR   - retrieve values for REAL parameters.
! NG_NNSETC   - set CHARACTER valued parameters.
! NG_NNGETC   - retrieve values for CHARACTER parameters.
! NG_DSPNT2S  - interpolate 2D data at specified individual points.
! NG_DSPNT3S  - interpolate 3D data at specified individual points.
! [C] FitGrid: an interpolation package for 1-D and 2-D gridded data
! 1-D non-periodic functions
! NG_CURV1 - calculate values for CURV2 usage
! NG_CURV2 - interpolate at a specified point (func)
! NG_CURVI - integrate a spline curve (func)
! NG_CURVD - calculate a derivative at a specified point (func)
! NG_CURVS - calculate values for a smoothing spline
! 1-D periodic functions
! NG_CURVP1 - calculate values for CURVP2 usage
! NG_CURVP2 - interpolate a periodic function at a specified point (func)
! NG_CURVPI - integrate a periodic spline curve (func)
! NG_CURVPS - calculate values for a smoothing spline
! Spline in the plane
! NG_CURVS1 - calculate values for CURVS2 usage
! NG_CURVS2 - interpolate value for a smoothing spline under tension
! Parametric curves in the plane
! NG_KURV1 - calculate values for KURV2 usage
! NG_KURV2 - does interpolation for parametric curves
! NG_KURVD - interpolation and derivatives for parametric curves
! Closed parametric curves in the plane
! NG_KURVP1 - calculate values for KURVP2 usage
! NG_KURVP2 - does interpolation for closed parametric curves
! NG_KURVPD - interpolation and derivatives for closed parametric curves
! 2-D gridded data
! NG_SURF1 - calculate values for SURF2 usage
! NG_SURF2 - 2D interpolation for gridded data (func)
! [D] CsaGrid: a cubic spline approximation for 1-, 2-, or 3-d random data
! One-dimensional
! NG_CSA1S  - simple entry
! NG_CSA1XS - expanded entry
! Two-dimensional
! NG_CSA2S   - simple entry, gridded output
! NG_CSA2XS  - expanded entry, gridded output
! NG_CSA2LS  - simple entry, list output
! NG_CSA2LXS - expanded entry, list output
! Three-dimensional
! NG_CSA3S   - simple entry, gridded output
! NG_CSA3XS  - expanded entry, gridded output
! NG_CSA3LS  - simple entry, list output
! NG_CSA3LXS - expanded entry, list output
! [E] cssgrid - interpolate random data on the surface of a sphere
! NG_CSSGRID  - interpolation on a sphere
! NG_CSSGRIDD - interpolation on a sphere (double precision entry)
! NG_CSSTRI   - calculates Delaunay triangulation
! NG_CSSTRID  - calculates Delaunay triangulation (double precision entry)
! NG_CSVORO   - calculates Voronoi polygons
! NG_CSVOROD  - calculates Voronoi polygons (double precision entry)
! NG_CSS2C    - converts from lat/lon to Cartesian coordinates
! NG_CSS2CD   - converts from lat/lon to Cartesian coordinates (double precision entry)
! NG_CSC2S    - converts from Cartesian to lat/lon coordinates
! NG_CSC2SD   - converts from Cartesian to lat/lon coordinates (double precision entry)
! NG_CSSETI   - set values for integer-valued parameters
! NG_CSGETI   - retrieve values for integer-valued parameters
! NG_CSSETR   - set values for real valued parameters
! NG_CSGETR   - retrieve values for real valued parameters
! NG_CSSETD   - set values for double precision-valued parameters
! NG_CSGETD   - retrieve values for double precision-valued parameters
! [F] ShGrid: interpolate random data in 3-space
! NG_SHGRID  - interpolate 3D random data
! NG_SHGETNP - find nearest points to a given point in 3-space
! NG_SHSETI  - set values for integer control paramaters
! NG_SHGETI  - retrieve values for integer control paramaters
! Refer "NCAR menu" for interfacing NGMATH in detail