Program www_fcode_cn Implicit None Character(len=6) :: TYPE(0:4) = ["非数值","整数型","小数型","指数型","双精度"] Integer :: IsNum , i Character(len=32) :: c Do read(*,*) c if(c=="exit") exit i = IsNum( c ) write(*,*) TYPE(i) End Do End Program www_fcode_cn Integer Function IsNum(zval) ! Verify that a character string represents a numerical value ! 确定字符是否是数值类型: ! 0-非数值的字符串 ! 1-整数(integer) ! 2-小数(fixed point real) ! 3-指数类型实数(exponent type real) ! 4-双精度实数指数形式(exponent type double) Implicit None Character (Len=*), Intent (In) :: zval Integer :: num, nmts, nexp, kmts, ifexp, ichr Integer, Parameter :: kint = 1 ! integer Integer, Parameter :: kfix = 2 ! fixed point real Integer, Parameter :: kexp = 3 ! exponent type real Integer, Parameter :: kdbl = 4 ! exponent type double ! initialise num = 0 ! 数字的格式,最后传递给ISNUM返回 nmts = 0 ! 整数或浮点数的数字个数 nexp = 0 ! 指数形式的数字个数 kmts = 0 ! 有+-号为1,否则为0 ifexp = 0! 似乎没用 ! loop over characters ichr = 0 Do If (ichr>=len(zval)) Then ! last check If (nmts==0) Exit If (num>=kexp .And. nexp==0) Exit isnum = num Return End If ichr = ichr + 1 Select Case (zval(ichr:ichr)) ! process blanks Case (' ') Continue ! process digits Case ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9') If (num==0) num = kint If (num<kexp) Then nmts = nmts + 1 ! 整数或浮点数+1 Else nexp = nexp + 1 ! 指数形式+1 End If ! process signs Case ('+', '-') If (num==0) Then If (kmts>0) Exit ! 出现2个符号,非数字 kmts = 1 num = kint Else If (num<kexp) Exit If (ifexp>0) Exit ifexp = 1 End If ! process decimal point Case ('.') If (num/=kint .And. ichr/=1) Exit ! 前面不是整数,小数点也不是第一个字符,则非数字 num = kfix ! process exponent Case ('e', 'E') If (num>=kexp) Exit If (nmts==0) Exit num = kexp Case ('d', 'D') If (num>=kexp) Exit If (nmts==0) Exit num = kdbl ! any other character means the string is non-numeric Case Default Exit End Select End Do ! if this point is reached, the string is non-numeric isnum = 0 Return End Function IsNum