本例使用了 Fortran90 提供的 random_seed 和 random_number 函数,用户无需手动再调用他们。

Module ran_mod Implicit None ! ran return a uniform random number between 0-1 ! norma return a normal distribution contains function ran() !returns random number between 0 - 1 implicit none integer , save :: flag = 0 double precision :: ran if(flag==0) then call random_seed() flag = 1 endif call random_number(ran) ! built in fortran 90 random number function end function ran function normal(mean,sigma) implicit none integer :: flag double precision, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793239 double precision :: u1, u2, y1, y2, normal, mean, sigma save flag data flag /0/ u1 = ran(); u2 = ran() if (flag.eq.0) then y1 = sqrt(-2.0d0*log(u1))*cos(2.0d0*pi*u2) normal = mean + sigma*y1 flag = 1 else y2 = sqrt(-2.0d0*log(u1))*sin(2.0d0*pi*u2) normal = mean + sigma*y2 flag = 0 endif end function normal !The above codes are made in Fortran 90 language, if you have any question, you may write to sealin2008@hotmail.com End Module ran_mod Program www_fcode_cn use ran_mod Implicit None Integer , parameter :: N = 10000 Real( Kind = 8 ) :: a( N ) integer :: i Open( 12 , File = 'out.txt' ) Do i = 1 , N a( i ) = normal( 5.0D0 , 2.0D0 ) write( 12 , * ) a(i) End Do Close( 12 ) End Program www_fcode_cn